
Drabble 1: The Idiots Guide To Finding Love

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Mondaygirl1113's avatar

Literature Text

The idiots guide to finding love

It's a surprisingly thin book, maybe it's just a sheet of paper. You picked it up with every intent of learning the ways of attracting someone, and how to's on flirting properly, and how not to mess up when in love, but you open it up to find one word printed neatly across the first page.


You get mad, and chuck the book in the bin. Live? What kind of an answer is that? As you storm off, the book begins to evaporate from its confines of your black trash can, to go be found by another person in need. It's job here was done. It told you everything you ever needed to know, and in the simplest way it could. Now it's all up to you to use it or not.

Question is, will you?
I'm extremely hypocritical when I write. I can create such elaborate romances for fictions, yet I can't find love for myself.
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KairiVenomus's avatar
Not all young people find love. We're not really meant to, I don't think--only the few blessed by Nicholas Sparks can find it like it's a grapefruit at the store. But we're young. I don't really think we're supposed to be falling in love during our youth (under the age of 20, I mean by that). Sure, we can like and experiment, but love is not for us, not yet. We're not old enough to have love yet. (Unless it's from family...)